Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Why do gay men shave below?

Some men and women find the art of shaving down below both erotic foreplay and an enhancement towards deeper sensual arousal during sex. Shaving the male is done by electric shaver alone or after with a wet shaver. I find the electric shaver to stimulates an immense vibe that after, when having sex, my orgasm is invincible.

Shave around the pubis first, above and either side where the cock meets it is best. Then work on either side of the ball bag and then the perineum – the part between ball bag and butt. For older men with a hairy butt, work inside on one cheek at a time being careful not to injure the butt hole. You can wet shave but be very careful not to cut yourself. This shave will be even more sensitive. I’ve once been wet shaved by someone and never again – if you want to wet shave your pubic hair always do it yourself!

Go without shaving for a week and let the hair grow and it will become itchy down below, but this is a small price to pay for the pleasure it gives.
I like the extra sensation shaving brings to the balls. Giving anal sex feels much closer. Even my balls smacking my boyfriends butt cheeks feels SO different and doing doggy style, my ball bag smacking his is just indescribable.

Why shave below?
It will make you look like a porn star! Most porn stars shave. You’ll have the confidence and impression of a porn star.
Will give you an added variety to foreplay.
It makes your love muscle look longer.
Will give you a deeper, more pleasurable orgasm.
Doing anal it will make you and your partner feel you’re penetrating deeper.
Make you feel hornier more often - especially if you wear lycra!

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