Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Prepare for a six pack

A lot of misinformation is written about how to get abs. It is possible to get abs fast but requires a lot of dedication. You need a correct stomach architecture before you start doing any exercises because any crunch, leg raise, side raise, flag, you name it, will be so much less effective. Good stomach architecture is flat. The muscles of the stomach must all be able to be pulled in. If you have excessive fat around the stomach then that's ok as long as you prepare yourself first to really feel your stomach drawn in so it feels itself against your internal organs.

Proprioception (your own perception of where your body parts, muscles, organs, tendons, bones etc. are in relation to one another) is the real key. It takes time to develop body awareness and control it. A large part of your proprioception is cut off from you and you can get this back. It takes time to develop full awareness of it and for it to serve you well but you must master it first.

Fat people are fat and bloated and this is often overlooked. Bloatedness is a combination of air and waste in the intestine that has stagnated for a long time - far too long. Fat around an area of the body is often because that area is toxic or that area beneath is filled with huge muscles e.g. the glutes. A person developing a good six pack will definitely not have bloatedness and also food transit time from the mouth through to the anus will be a relatively short time. They will also relieve themselves in the bathroom up to 3 times a day and this is the signs of a healthy body. A long stool is a characteristic of a toxic liver and is the sign of an unhealthy body.

Gas in the gut is not a good sign and prevents the correct stomach architecture for a six pack. The stomach and intestines are a sealed system and you don't want stuff inside generating gas. This will lead to poor digestion and the wrong framework to develop a six pack. You need to debloat and that's a detox. It can be achieved in a number of ways, chiefly diet and increased water intake. You need to increase your fiber intake and this is best and most economical from frozen spinach and stalks of vegetables e.g. celery, rhubarb, whole broccoli, asparagus, swiss chard.

The major point is you must feel proprioception most of the time. Feel your stomach muscles against your internal organs and they in turn against the back of your body. The stomach muscles and nerves must feel the organs and intestine itself beneath them and the muscles must be controlled enough to be able to massage the intestine and the organs below. This is so important because by the stomach muscles massaging the internal organs, the organs are becoming more cleansed and you're detoxifying yourself even more. It's a win-win situation that if done correctly will really make you prepared to have a six pack.

The advanced yoga method of Nauli is proprioception in action. There's a bit of surface fat shown in the video and this can be resolved doing cardio that I'll put in a later post.

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