Thursday, 21 January 2010

Exciting things to do with food?

We eat and drink everyday, but how often do we stop and think about the erotic potential and the hidden symbolism of what we put in our mouths? Of course there's the innuendo that comes when borrowing someones nuts, or the one liners associated with eating a banana at work e.g "enjoying that are you?" (usually accompanied with a chuckle or a wry grin). Even the name of our fridge is somehow erotic: Siemens. But the true potential for fun is far greater than the occassional joke. For me it starts with peanut butter, by far the most orgasmic food on the market (even just to taste on toast, aarghh ... wow). It also spreads well and is a good temperature, which means key body parts don't get distracted by the cold (that comes from ice cream, another favourite erotic food). Chocolate spread is also great as a treat! Those with a healthier mind might explore berries. Strawberries are well known for their erotic potential, dipped and nicely coated in chocolate into your mouth. A blessing to the tongue, ending in a soft biting, chewing. Blueberries and blackberries can be strategically placed on g-spots and fetched from the body by a willing partner. I especially like the thought of that sequence from "Sex and the City" where Samantha covered herself in sushi for her boyfriend. My boyfried likes maple syrup, and there's plenty of exciting things you can do with that (let's start experimenting) ...

- Posted from iPhone

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